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Learn to design a better user interface with the UI Design Diploma Level 3 course.

The course helps you to master the practical skills for developing a successful user interface. You will learn the techniques of designing modern, intuitive, meaningful, compelling user interfaces for desktop and mobile devices. A strong command over Photoshop and a good understanding of colour theory are must while developing UI design. The course covers these two areas in detail along with the functions and use of Photoshop.

The techniques of using various Photoshop tools and features will be discussed in the course. Apart from these, the course guides you the procedures for developing an IOS app. Shorty, you will be acquainted with the skills you need for developing a UI design for any kinds of device.

Key features of the course

  • Lifetime access to the course
  • No hidden fees, only pay the price of the course which includes exam fees.
  • Recognised qualification upon successful completion of the course
  • Study from anywhere, anytime, whenever it is convenient for you.
  • Affordable and engaging e-learning study materials
  • Study at your own pace from tablet, PC or smartphone
  • Online tutor support when you are in need.

Who is this course for?

There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this course. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds.

Assessment and Certification

The course is assessed online with a multiple-choice test, which is marked automatically. You will know instantly whether you have passed or not. Those who pass this test will have the qualification of UI Design Diploma Level 3. Certificate will be produced in PDF format at an additional cost of £8.99, Printed Hardcopy at £12.99 and both at £19.99.

Course Curriculum

1) Promo Intro Video 00:04:00
1.1) Upload And Review Your Work-1 00:03:00
Setting Up Photoshop for UI Design
2.2) Setting up Photoshop CC Preferences 00:06:00
2.3) Color Profile Settings for ui design 00:05:00
2.5) Creating Custom Shortcut Keys 00:04:00
2.6) Installing scripts in Photoshop 00:06:00
2.8) What area Photoshop Extensions 00:07:00
2.9) Power of Photoshop Extensions 00:09:00
2.10) How to install Extension in mac and win update 00:16:00
(Optional → Can watch at the end) Color Calibration and Monitors for Designers
2.5-1 Color Calibration 00:08:00
2.5-2 Monitor You Need-1 00:02:00
2.5 – 3 OS Based clor Calibration 00:07:00
Basics of Photoshop for Beginners
00.Customize Toolbar 00:04:00
01.how Photoshop interface works 00:05:00
02.creating photoshop new document 00:04:00
03.what are artboards 00:06:00
04.Layers Panel Part 1 00:06:00
05.Layer Panel Filtering And Finding Part 2 00:06:00
07.Type tool 00:05:00
08.Character Panel 00:07:00
09.Paragraph Panel 00:04:00
10.New Shape Tool 00:08:00
12.Deep dive in Pen Tool 00:16:00
12.selections-april2017 New 00:07:00
13.pen tool in web design 00:04:00
14.Alignments 00:06:00
15.common-shortcuts 00:15:00
16.Clipping_Masks 00:03:00
17.exercise_clipping_mask 00:01:00
18.LayerMasks_HB 00:05:00
19.smart_objects 00:08:00
20.linked smart objects_Revised 00:07:00
21.Layer comps usage 00:06:00
22 Using Smart Guides In Photoshop-1 00:05:00
Layer Styles Basics for UI Design
1.Drop Shadow Layer Effect 00:04:00
2. Inner Shadow UI Design 00:02:00
3.stroke_effect 00:03:00
4. Re-using layer styles 00:02:00
Gradients in Web and UI Design
1.what.are.gradients 00:02:00
2.uses.of.gradients 00:04:00
3.3ways-to-create-gradients 00:05:00
4.how to use gradient editor 00:08:00
5.using-gradient-overlay 00:06:00
Using Patterns in Web and UI Design
1.what are patterns 00:02:00
2. two methods of applying patterns 00:05:00
3.create Pattern From an Img File 00:03:00
04. using .pat files in photoshop 00:05:00
Basics of UI Design | Light, Shadows, Color schemes & Typography
01. How light and shadow works in UI Design 00:04:00
2.examples of lightshadow 00:02:00
3.color schemes for beginners 00:02:00
4.getting scheme from logo and hsb 00:01:00
5.online tools for color schemes 00:07:00
6.how to choose fonts and typography 00:09:00
7.Using Grids for Web Design 00:06:00
8.Creating Grids In Photoshop 00:06:00
UI Design Exercises & Challanges with Step by Step solutions
1.soft-shadow button challange 00:01:00
2.soft_button_solution 00:13:00
3.3d Button Challange 00:01:00
4.Pressed effect in Photoshop 00:07:00
5.modern pattern part 1 00:09:00
6.modern header design part 2 00:09:00
7.moder header design new variation 00:09:00
8.color overlay header 00:11:00
09 Gradienteffect Header Design-audiosynced 00:13:00
9.Actual Exercise Transparent Image Header-1 00:13:00
10.tabs-intro 00:01:00
11.tabs-part1 00:14:00
12.tabs-part2 00:08:00
Image Editing 101 for UI Designers
1.removing White Bg With Blending Options 00:03:00
2.Spot Healing brush usage 00:04:00
3.making Colors Pop in Photohsop 00:07:00
4.magnetic Lasso Tool to remove background 00:16:00
5.select And Mask Tool 00:10:00
IOS App Design : Exercise Iphone Food Deals App
1.Gathering Resources IOS App-Design 00:04:00
2.Lets Start The IOS App Design 00:05:00
3.Adding Images To Design the App design 00:06:00
4.Adding Text On App Screen 00:06:00
5.Adding Phone And Book Now Buttons 00:12:00
6.Using Mobile Mockups 00:04:00
UDEMY ONLY App Design Challane-exercise 00:06:00
BONUS: Dribbble styled Dashboard UI Design (Student Request)
1.area graph base design 00:04:00
2area graph grid 00:05:00
3.adding text to graph area 00:08:00
4.drwaing area graph with pen tool 00:04:00
5.designing extras adding dots and hover info 00:06:00
7.final Adjustments To Area Graph-1 00:10:00
8.area graph to line graph 00:04:00
9.circular bar graph base shape.mp4 00:06:00
10.adding Gradients And Shadows To Circular Graphs-1 00:13:00
11.designing stats with text 00:09:00
12.bar Graph Design In Photoshop Pt 00:09:00
13.Bar Graph Adding Text 00:06:00
14.Student-request-ciruclar-percentage graph 00:08:00
Wifreframes in UI Design + Ultimate Web Design Challange
1.what Are Wirefreams 00:04:00
2.Tools Used For Wireframes 00:12:00
Dribbble Shot Redesign Exercise → Student Request
dribbble redesig part 1 00:15:00
dribble shot part 2 00:15:00
Exercises : Form UI Design with Photoshop
1.Base Of Login Form 00:07:00
2.Form Fields Design 00:12:00
3.Finishing Form Design 00:12:00
Pro Secret Tips and Tools for Designers and Developers
Converting psd to CSS 00:06:00
Exporting Images from Photoshop 00:07:00
Tips on Using Grids 00:02:00
Photoshop Features Updates and New Versions
3.Match Fonts Cc2015.5-1 00:03:00
Cc2018 Update-1 00:04:00
Certificate and Transcript
Order Your Certificates or Transcripts 00:00:00

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Kieran Graham
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Very professional courses. Great Administration assistance and high quality e-learning service.
Sarah Jennings
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I did forex trading diploma. Very professional and detailed course.
Jordan Cooke
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The course offered is excellent. I am glad to have taken it.